Types of Dental Procedures That Can Be Performed with TENS

General dentists are responsible for performing a variety of routine dental procedures. These treatments can range from simple to complex, and the best way to determine which one is right for you is to consult with a general dentist. During the evaluation, the dentist will assess your medical history, conduct an oral exam, and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Once the evaluation is complete, the dentist can decide which type of treatment is necessary. For example, if a tooth is infected, the dentist may numb the area and remove any damaged areas.

After the dental drilling is done, the tooth will be filled with a material chosen by both the dentist and patient. The most common materials used are silver amalgam or ceramic porcelain, which are both durable and can seal the tooth. Patients can choose between gold, silver, porcelain or dental resin fillings. However, it's important to note that TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) requires cooperation from the patient, so it should not be used on those with communication problems or mental disabilities. Another routine dental procedure that is often performed in general dentistry is the placement of dental sealants. This procedure involves coating the teeth with a protective material to prevent cavities and other damage. TENS has been used in dentistry for many years and has been proven to be an effective anesthetic agent.

In 1989, Quanstrom and Milgrom combined TENS with nitrous oxide and oxygen in 309 patients and compared it with TENS alone in 62 patients to verify its effectiveness in controlling pain during restorative procedures without using local anesthesia. TENS has also been used in combination with nitrous oxide and oxygen or diazepam to achieve analgesia during dental treatment. Thorsen and Lumsden reported a case of trigeminal neuralgia in a 36-year-old man who experienced immediate and prolonged remission of symptoms when an intense TENS discharge occurred accidentally. In pediatric patients, TENS has been used effectively to control pain during various procedures such as placing pit and fissure sealants, preparing cavities, minor extractions and endodontic procedures. Baghdadi conducted a study on 28 children to determine the effectiveness of TENS compared to local anesthesia for restorative procedures. Although TENS cannot replace local anesthesia, it can be used to relieve pain during several dental procedures. Teeth whitening is another routine dental procedure that is commonly performed in a general dentistry setting.

The most common pharmacological means of reducing pain in dentistry are the use of local anesthesia during dental procedures and analgesics for postoperative pain. In conclusion, TENS can be a useful adjunct in pediatric patients during several minor dental procedures as well as adults for various procedures such as placing rubber gaskets, preparing cavities, pulp capping and other endodontic procedures, preparing dental prostheses, oral prophylaxis and extractions.

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